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What is SPRUCE Programme?

SPRUCE has been designed to provide students who have completed Year 12 with insights into the study of and careers in Law, principally to afford insights that we think are important as you approach the time you will be making applications to University, in Year 13. We want to give you an introduction to the Legal System, the opportunity to learn about the study of Law at University (and, perhaps a career teaching Law later on), the chance to hear from practitioners working as Barristers, Solicitors, Legal Executives in areas such as Criminal Law, Civil Law and Family Law, and from those who work as lawyers in business or in non-contentious work such as Wills and Conveyancing. We’ll even give you a chance to appear in a real Court, before a real Judge, to try your hand at Prosecuting or Defending someone facing sentence for a criminal offence.

We do this because we believe that, whoever you are, wherever you come from, whatever your background, you have the potential to be the lawyers of the future, and we want to help you on the path to becoming a Barrister, a Solicitor, a Legal Executive – even a Judge.

How it is beneficial for you


Typical Programme

The typical programme for a SPRUCE Law Course includes a mix of speaker sessions, discussions and the mock Sentencing Exercises in a real Crown Court in which some volunteer participants will have an opportunity to try out their advocacy skills.

With an introduction to the Legal System in England and Wales, we will cover a range of areas of Law with speakers from the professions and from academia, focussing on the skills required for a career in the Law and the benefits and pitfalls of such a career.

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All Lawyers, like the spruce tree, start from the same small beginnings but may grow to be great.


Speakers Profiles

HHJ Jonathan Rose

Speaker SPRUCE Law Course

Ella Embleton

Speaker SPRUCE Law Course

Lauren Smith

Speaker SPRUCE Law Course

Matthew Huggett

Speaker SPRUCE Law Course

Stephen Wood

Speaker SPRUCE Law Course

Aamir Khan

Associate Solicitor

Helen Murray

Speaker SPRUCE Law Course

Prof. Engobo Emeseh

Speaker SPRUCE Law Course

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