Rachel Mousey

Nicola Hoskins

I am a proud Principal Solicitor at RCM Solicitors practicing crime. Prior to commencing my Journey in Law, I was a Manager of a Sports Centre for Calderdale MBC. In addition, I worked within Schools training children and adult fitness classes. This work continued whilst I commenced part-time learning at Leeds University night School. Once I had undertaken my 1st Degree I managed to secure employment at Goodwin Steven Solicitors. I continued to work in both capacity’s until I was pregnant with my first Child in 2012. I left my role as a duty Solicitor at Goodwin Stevens Solicitors in 2014 having gained authorisation to practice as a sole practitioner. This allowed me the freedom to attempt a balance between work and home life. I opened the doors to RCM Solicitors in August 2014. I undertook private work until Legal aid contracts tendered in 2016/17. Successfully securing a legal aid contract the firm began to grow. In 2022 we opened a second Office.

I am described as the most unlikely person to undertake my job role. However, any person entering into Criminal Law has to be slightly unique and unhinged!

Its very difficult within this job role to have any time to undertake personal hobbies and interest. It is essential to clear the mind with exercise or sit peacefully alone in a café drinking coffee. After all am a Mum to a 7 & 9 year old!